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13 Levels of Empowerment Goddess Warrior Training Buy Bundle (177 videos) 13 Levels of Empowerment Goddess Warrior Training

13 Levels of Empowerment Goddess Warrior™ Training. I created the 13 Levels as AA for women's empowerment. The 13 levels and guide lines help women stand in their core female power and beautiful essence - Feminine, Fierce and Focused. 

The 13 Levels holds YOU accountable to not give your power away. If you knew what your power was then you would know when we are giving it away. 

Includes 13 hours of videos. Each Level is 60 minutes of video teachings with master teacher Sierra Bender, author of Goddess to the Core and creator of the 4 Body Fit™ Method clinically proven to empower women by the Department of Psychology at American University Washington, DC. more info

Each Level  is to follow and broken down into the 4 bodies; spiritual, mental, emotional and physical  following the 4 Body Fit™ Method. Each level workouts, challenges and heals your 4 bodies and includes a workbook to download to keep progress of your weaknesses and strengths of your 4 bodies so you measure your growth and success. 

This an active training to finally heal any form of trauma, create a mindset to where the body will follow in the direction of LOVE. Love of yourself, life and passion to create the deserving new YOU that has always been there but have forgotten because you didn't have to tools to pull her forth. 

“Empowerment is not just the development of new skills and thinking, but also of surrendering and releasing what is no longer of service to one’s well-being; habits, relationships, occupations and environments.”


“Empowerment begins with a freeing from your own conditioning and self-limiting beliefs, getting free of self-judgment, shame, guilt and societal pressure.”


“Empowerment is self-love. Love is not just an emotion but the most powerful force grounded by action and responsibility; a commitment to one’s true, authentic self.”


“Empowerment is not something you conquer nor conceptualize; but rather, is a force that is pulled forth from within.”

Get Ready to Goddess Up!™

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USD $250.00
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